GDC is now available at 10 christian bookstores in Klang Valley. You can find us at Canaanland Bookstores, Gladsounds and also Chosen Treasure. Thank God for His blessing!

2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    great art work! got idea from you for my plain old picture frame. it really gives a new look... thank you for sharing

  2. Caroline Says:

    Hi! We are thrilled to know that our designs have helped to give you some inspirations in designing your own photo frame :-) Saw your master piece, love the thank you card that you made for your daughter's teacher.

    If you are on Facebook, do follow us at

    We'll try to keep everyone posted with our new designs and addition to the collection.

    Do also share our blog & FB page with your friends :-)

    God Bless!